
Each coast is unique.  The people, the landscape, the history, the way of life, each is beautiful and interesting in its own right, its not fair to compare, Rosie will give her overview and you decide…..if you have to choose……

West Coast – mild, warm blue skies, sunny days, sunny people.  Relaxed, chilled, unhurried, in both actions as well as words.  Big vistas, huge landscapes, dried brown earth, beautiful photos.  The Pacific Coast Highway is the jewel in the crown, meandering roadway, ocean views crashing surf.  Small towns, eccentric, creative, arty people living how they want to with no class distinctions.  Untamed wilderness, with relative isolation and plenty of elbow room.  Always a smile and an enquiry of ‘where are you from’, welcoming, warming.

East Coast – overcast skies, the brooding calm before the storm, foggy humidity.  The crush of humanity living close together, downcast eyes, comfortable walking shoes, tense, harried, always busy and on the move.  Swamps, reclaimed land, bullrushes, small photographic vignettes.  The creation of the nation, the weight is still there, historical, absorbing, fascinating stories, cobbled streets and narrow lanes juxtaposing big buildings, big cities, big monuments big attitudes.  Strong allegiances and alliances, neat and tidy  regimented neighbourhoods with everything in its place, strings of pearls and sensible hair, segregation and religion.

Bare in mind the West Coast is essentially one state, with one mindset and a unified way of life.  It is beautifully set up to encourage tourism and keep you informed.  The East Coast is so heavily populated in comparison with multiple states that you criss cross in your travels.  It lacks cohesion when it comes to informing the travelling tourist.  It was hard work finding points of interest and getting to them, it did not detract from the journey…it just made it different.

The USA is a beautiful place to holiday full of patriotic people who are passionate  and proud of their country and want to show it to the world.  Take advantage of this, no matter where you go you will have a good time.  Rosie and The Operator will be back….hhhmmmm maybe New Orleans and the South coupled with the Florida Keys and a trip to Cuba.  Watch this space!