Rosie and The Operator are off to visit a small chunk of Alaska and Canada for a month. Well, its quite a big chunk actually as Rosie found out when dropping her pins on the map for the places she would like to visit. Canada is so big that we will have to cover the ground we want to see in three separate visits to the country! The small piece of Canada Rosie has narrowed this trip down to is twice the size of New Zealand in land mass and is only one province of this huge country!

Travel Planning
The whole state of Alaska, on the other hand, (you will need to sit down for this) is over eight times bigger than New Zealand. It has over 1000 glaciers and the longest is 100km long! New Zealand has two and the Tasman Glacier is 17kms long…bigger is not necessary better and more beautiful, right?! Rosie will keep you posted on that one, lucky, we only have four stops in Alaska and they are all very close together! These are super big places we will be travelling around alright!

Sawyer Glacier, Tracy Arm, Juneau, Alaska USA
Why Canada and Alaska? Its not complex decision making on our part. We are getting lazier with our travel and it is a direct, twelve hour flight straight into Vancouver from New Zealand. The countries are English speaking which makes for a nice easy holiday as our English is not too bad…a little rusty maybe, what with all the Spanish Rosie has been speaking of late, wink, wink. The Operator groans.
Its also shoulder season in these areas, summer is on the wane, autumn leaves are turning oranges, reds and browns. School has started again after the summer holidays. The weather is still good, the prices are dropping as the peak holiday season has ended and, hopefully, that means there will be less people around visiting when we are. Fingers Crossed.

Red Maple Leaf Canada
Holiday technicalities aside, the real reason we are going to Alaska and Canada is for a nice, slow paced holiday amongst the open air cathedrals of nature. Which will be a nice change. Rosie, by any means is not an all embracing outdoor kind of camping girl. Rosie wants to embrace the fresh air. Sit still. Breathe. Appreciate the spectacular 360 degree panoramic vistas that go on and on in this seemingly infinite part of the world….and, be absorbed in the deafening sounds of silence. All from the comfort of a nice balcony or after taking a nice easy stroll to a beautiful viewpoint, or whilst being on the road. A minimum of physical output is the key.

The Alaska Highway, Yukon, Canada
She also is also nervously searching her aged memory banks and finding it hard to remember what it was like back in the day, being unplugged from the world. Cell and internet coverage can be sparse in this new big frontier we are about to explore. The Operator, well, his holiday aspirations are more simple, he loves the outdoors and just wants to see a bear.
Hoped you liked our holiday dream? Let us fill you in on the plan and itinerary tomorrow.