The days are getting lazier, the breakfasts are getting longer and the temperature is getting hotter. The Operator went on his morning bread run and said it was chaos down in the town with the set up of the Saturday market. He did grimace and said us girls would like it cause it was going to be a big one.
Big! What an understatement! It was enormous, it wove around every street in the village. Looking down on the top of it all you could see was a sea of umbrellas and people.
Rosie wasn’t sure how it was set up, having just got up at 7am you could hear alot of van doors closing and alot of banging….when we emerged to see the market, the stalls were perfectly set up and there wasn’t a stallholders vehicle in sight….yet some really big stalls were in the middle of the town….how did they get there wares in initially….plus, parking is a premium here anyway, where would all the stall holder vans go…perplexing. The magic of the market.
But what a good wander around the stalls, everything was there, crafts, food, clothing, shoes, home wares renovation products…you name it, they had it, well nearly, No buttons sorry CraftyGirl….. Both Aurora and I got a good range of goodies and The Operator carried the bags. We deserved our beer at the shady little Bar Tabac after that shopping mission.
Lunch consisted of fresh bread, tapenade and a beauty olive mix bought from the market. Eat light Rosie we are eating like kings tonight remember.
We had a lovely down day hanging on the terrace, the temperature was still rising by mid afternoon and was in the low thirties…the sun was merciless and there wasn’t a breath of wind about.
We all ventured out about 5pm….it was still as above…The Operator was heading to the car in the carpark to get a charger and across from the carpark was a cemetery…you all know how Rosie loves a good cemetery. It was one of the best. Not a particularly old one Rosie thinks…the earliest burial she could find was 1880ish but the Family Tombs were awesome. It seems that when you pass, you would be cremated and placed in the family tomb. There was a little thing that looked like a door knocker on the front, this was the removable panel.
You would then be interred and a memorial plaque would go on the top of the tomb….it was hard to say as their wasn’t any obvious signs of who, or how many were in there….there were hardly any recorded dates of peoples demise either. But they looked terrific.
It was still so hot out in the open it was crazy, we wandered back and No1 started cooking tea. First course was a Stuffed Lemon – lovely, fresh and zesty with salmon, Parmesan, tomato and herbs.
Second course was a beautiful leaf salad with cooked beef strips.
Followed by the Principale…..Salmon Carbonara. Oh, and The Operator just photo bombed the review by looking busy cutting the bread…his contribution was Nil. It was an outstanding effort No1, a great meal had in a beautiful surrounding. It was well and truly worth waiting for! It was like sitting in a crazy episode of Come Dine with Me.
Full as a bull we all lounged about and had an early night…tomorrow Aurora and No1 were heading home, there holiday in the Dordogne had come to an end.
Rosie is a Middle Aged Kiwi who is about to embark on a twelve month adventure of a lifetime, travelling The World with her trusty, loyal sidekick The Operator. In search of adventure, culture, new taste experiences and world wide 'happy hours', Rosie's journals chronicle their travels and experiences.
Rosie had a lightbulb moment. Within that flash of clarity came the realisation that time was spinning out of control and passing her by. So, armed with the confidence, means, ability and a new found passion for life, Rosie and her trusty, loyal sidekick The Operator have devised THE PLAN.
ROSIE – Continually travels The World for the next 12 months.
THE OPERATOR – Works his 28 day roster and meets Rosie somewhere in The World to explore the area together for his 28 days off. Repeat x6.
ROSIE – Will then stay in one spot of the country they have been exploring for 28 days of local immersion whilst The Operator returns to work.
THE OPERATOR – Certainly has the shorter end of the stick xxx
Join me as I journal my middle aged musings on our day to day travels, culture, food and the quest for the ultimate world wide happy hour.