
Rosie and The Operator are off to Croatia for a month of travels!  We aim to explore by car, ferry and bus from one end of the country to the other.

Why Croatia?

Facebook said it was the place Rosie must go.  All of my feeds are showing me pictures and articles of a beautiful country that lives perpetually under bright blue skies.  The orange of the rooftops, the beautiful beige walls of the old towns with higgeldy piggedly buildings jammed together on wee islands.  Pictures of houses towering over narrow streets that look so welcoming and exciting set against the backdrop of the clearest, bluest sea and beaches ever.   Facebook cant be wrong.  Its multi million dollar algorithm has selected Rosie to go there so who is Rosie to deny the might of Facebook.

Korcula Croatia


What does Rosie know about Croatia?  Nothing really except the perceived visuals from above.  What language do they speak?  Currency do they have?  Are they part of the EU? What kind of food do they eat? OK, Rosie admits she has a bit of research to do before landing on its fair shores.

Rosie does know that Game of Thrones was filmed in Dubrovnik to depict Kings Landing.  Its a fact that Dubrovnik is jammed packed full of tourists in the high season and it is unpleasant being there with so many people….hence our October visit.  Fingers crossed the rest of the throngs don’t have this cunning plan as well.

Game of Thrones Dubrovnik

Was Croatia formally part of Yugoslavia back in the day and it was carved up after some war and the country of Croatia created?  The same doctor that gave me the tip that I would love Japanese toileting culture and would succumb more than once to Montezuma’s Revenge in Mexico also said that I needed to watch out for landmines in Croatia…..What the hell?!  He was wrong on those other two ‘tips’ Rosie hopes he is wrong on this one as well.

Rosie also remembers the buzz about Croatia whilst we were living in Scotland in 1998ish.  The war was over, peace reigned and real estate in Croatia was dirt cheap.  Everyone was talking about how you could buy a huge castle on the beach of Croatia in the land of never ending sun and warmth for as little as 20,000 pounds!  Believe me, when you live in cold, grey, wet Aberdeen…man that was appealing.  Rosie and The Operator seriously considered this at the time, getting in before the prices rose….yeah…….well……..hindsight eh.

Rosie admits she has a lot of research to do before going to Croatia.  That’s all part of the fun and I am looking forward to it.  The tickets are booked in and out of Zagreb….now where to visit…..Rosie does hope all this hype that surrounds Croatia isnt ‘fake news’…..

Tomorrow I will fill you in on the travel plan and a little more about about this amazing country….after I have Wiki’d it myself.