
The Mexican People are proud, quiet people.  They do not stand out in a crowd, they are the crowd.  They are the quiet watchers and observers.  Yet they watch and observe well and this reflects in the understated kindness of the people.

Rosie has never encountered people who actually stop their cars in the street because they have noted Rosie on the footpath taking a photo of something across the road and they didn’t want to drive into my picture and ruin it.  It didn’t matter how busy the street and this happened so often it was incredible.  Same with general photo taking, they are the ones that will pause and wait while every other tourist walks straight in front of you.

Guadalupe Murals San Miguel de Allende Mexico

Mexicans will not speak to you, or greet you first, they are almost deferential with downcast eyes.  They will always answer though if you wish them good morning in passing on the street.  They wait, and will then offer you the level of respect you first show them.  They are unhurried, thoughtful people who don’t express, or show themselves to strangers.

Dont get me wrong, Mexicans are fierce in their passions, wow! Rosie has seen a guy and a girl go hammer and tongs out in the street in an argument, they are not afraid to show their feelings in public. Whether it be an argument or a passionate embrace and kiss right in front of you.  Equally Rosie’s heart has been torn out of her chest at the displays of grief Rosie has encountered inside various Mexican churches.  The heart breaking, deep, internal sobbing that just makes you well up and wonder at the level of loss or hurt they are enduring.

Guadalupe Murals San Miguel de Allende Mexico

Mexicans religious passion is all encompassing as well, on every street corner there is a church filled with the scent of fresh flowers.  The churches are never empty, there is always heads bowed in prayer inside at anytime of the day.  Whole families share in church events, all turned out in their church going best.  This seems to be a time the whole family shares together and draws the whole community together as everyone congregates in the plaza outside the church afterwards and catches up with their neighbours.

The Mexican people are hard to read if they are happy with their lot in life…they do not like to comment on it too much.  They are quick to say there is too much of a divide between the rich and poor in this country, they are hopeful the new president will make a difference although it will be hard they say as there is too much corruption in this country they acknowledge.  How much of it touches them on a day to day basis Rosie wonders….?

Guadalupe Street Murals San Miguel de Allende Mexico

Mexicans love colour, music, dancing and celebrations.  So many Fiestas happen here it is hard to keep up.  In the local  neighbourhoods, colourful flags fly over the streets as people gather to feast together, dance together and young and old gather together to celebrate Saints Feasts Days and neighbourhood milestones.  As for the National Days of Remberance, like Mexican Independence Day etc….well, they go crazy.  Even the minor events….its an excuse to party.  Whats a party without music and fireworks…..obligatory in Mexico!  Fireworks boom over the city in celebration of something every other night.

Mexicans are not world changers, they are not protesters, they are toilers.  They seem to accept their lot, work hard and keep their family and their God close.  They are a humble people because of it and Rosie thinks we could all take a lesson in Mexican Humility.