
Mexico, what a country of contrasts.  Rich and Poor, Clean and tidy, dirty and squalid, grand homes vs shanty shacks, modern living intertwined with third world.  Believe it or not, all of these contrasting examples can amazingly be found in one town…not just in different areas of the country.

Overall, Yes, Rosie liked visiting Mexico.  The whole new country experience, the culture, the color, the food, the places, the sights.  Rosie however is going to say she could never live in Mexico.  The opposite extremes are too extreme for me.  Everyday living would be just too hard, yes, you could get used to it, but Rosie doesn’t feel like it would balance out.

Rosie found it difficult living for one month here in Mexico.  As a tourist it is fantastic, Rosie and The Operator wandered around and saw all the amazing sights, ate out every night and sampled some amazing fare, we were on holiday and we were having a ball.

Actually living here not as a tourist is another experience altogether, one I was ready for, but I didn’t appreciate how much work it would be.

Market Mexico

I didnt want to eat out all the time, my plan is one meal a day and the rest at home.  I only have a tiny kitchen unit so I would not be ‘cooking’ meals. I was looking to supplement my one meal a day out with a ready meal in the evening. Well, this is a country where you predominately cook from scratch and the huge isles of precooked ready to heat food does not exist.


Instead of being able to one stop shop for a meal I was taking on the whole hunter and gatherer roll to put together even the most basic of meal.  Freshness and quality of food was a problem too.  The longer you are here the more you will learn from experience where to go and where to not go over time…unfortunately it does take time….I learnt more where not to go and my list of approved vendors was quite small.  But, I didn’t starve and sometimes my expeditions filled my whole day, even when I had better things to do, making it a very frustrating experience that took the gloss off being in Mexico.

All in all, the amazing evened out with the not so good…Rosie is ready to leave Mexico behind.  She would be more than happy to revisit as a tourist…..never to live long term here.