
Rosie and The Operator are headed for Mexico!   We have never been there before and are not sure what to expect.  Our knowledge of Mexico is limited to the news and TV which tell us what a third world country it is full of drug dealers, cartel and folk that want to rip off tourists.

The media, tells us that Mexico is full of Mexicans wanting to leave their country by any means possible, stowing away in trucks, clandestine border crossings in the middle of the night fording rivers all with the sole purpose of reaching America.  They are then willing to work hard, illegally, holding multiple menial jobs in order to give themselves and their families a better life than what they would have had in Mexico.  Not a great advertisement for going there so far….

Izamal Mexico

…..Rosie and The Oeprator have picked Mexico because we have also heard that it is a cheap place to travel and stay. We also believe it is always sunny and warm, with a laid back kind of vibe.  Rosie loves the idea of the Day of the Dead celebrations, loads of fiestas, bright colours, beautiful beach resorts, desert cactus, dry land, siestas and afternoon margaritas.  The Operator is quite partial to a tequila or two and we both love Mexican food…..although we do feel that authentic Mexican food, may differ from the bastardised version we know, love and enjoy.


But that’s what a holiday is all about, broadening our experiences and getting the inside, real deal scoop on what a place is truly like.  This can only be achieved by travelling the roads, meeting the people and staying amongst the locals.  Hopefully busting some of the myths along the way about Mexico that Rosie and The Operator have accumulated whilst making new friends and awesome memories.